With Joy
Sunday, August 20, 2023

Everyone is so excited to be back in school.

Friday chapel service is a special time for the students, focusing on Jesus and how grateful we are for His sacrifice and constant care.

In the classrooms, students are learning about Jesus and the scriptures. Check out this preschooler's rendition of Hebrews 11:3!
Our school teachers and administrators work hard and in collaboration with one another to impact the lives of their students.

Among other things, Elize teaches computer courses on the Thozin campus. He's very fond of the computer lab and library at MOHI.
He recently shared with us, "This space allows the students to have more knowledge so that they can understand how to learn more. The atmosphere we create here allows the students to thrive.
"I find joy in being able to explain to the students how things work. If we didn't have this lab and library, the students wouldn't have the same level of education. We know this is helping them achieve another level of learning."

We can always count on Paul to put his hand to the plow. No matter the difficulty of a job (like unloading hundreds of pounds of rice tonight, helping to prepare it in the morning, and then serving it to the students!), he goes full speed ahead to get it done. We are grateful for this man, who was part of our very first meeting in Thozin when we arrived in Haiti to establish the mission. We've been through a lot together.
Most of Paul's children were educated at MOHI. Now his grandchildren are carrying on the good tradition of going to school at MOHI. He is experiencing what we all hope for as parents and grandparents - to see our children have a greater reach and impact in this world than we have ourselves.
You and people like Paul are making a difference in so many lives. Even these little ones are being impacted by your generosity. Thank you!

Lex and I had several meetings concerning the La Grua village this past week, beginning with the mayor of Imbert (La Grua is located within this city) and some of her staff. We want to rebuild for them, but NOT the way they were living. No toilets with babies running around barefoot... it's just an invitation to sickness. There needs to be a septic system and bathrooms built. It's not in the mayor's budget. Will you help?
Our new friends, Skip and Lynn, joined us in Luperón from Oklahoma a couple of days ago.

Getting to know them and sharing some of our joys has been fun!

Despite the intense heat and close quarters, Skip and Lynn were happy to celebrate Jesus with our friends at the Haitian Baptist Church of Luperón this morning.

Our next Hope Encounter (September 23rd) will enjoy fresh avocados from the mission house's yard.

We have been experiencing a drought in Luperón for several months now. It's frustrating to see lots of rain in Puerto Plata and arrive home to either a sprinkle or full-on sunshine. We have been waiting for a good drenching rain before planting the big garden. We continue waiting. In the meantime, however, we have planted some spinach and peppers mainly to use at the mission house.

We've seen several of these hearty critters lately. They're about 6-7 inches long!

I am fascinated by birds, animals, fish, and even insects (although only on MY terms!), so I immediately went to Google to find out that this is a Pseudosphix Tetrio moth. With all those beautiful colors, I was expecting a brightly colored butterfly, not a brown moth. Oh well. These chunky not-so-little guys are poisonous to predators who think they'd make a good meal. They like hanging out on Frangipani plants and are sometimes called Frangipani caterpillars. (What? You weren't expecting a science lesson today???) It doesn't take long for them to devour the leaves on these bushes!

Think about the damage one caterpillar can do. Ten or twenty make light work of one of these bushes. Likewise, when you and I work together for HIS kingdom, watch out, world!!!

Thank you so much for taking the time to catch up with us today - and for putting up with the science lesson. Pastor Lex and I so appreciate each of you. Our trust in the LORD, along with your friendship, prayers, financial support, and words of encouragement, fuel our days. Thank you!