The Next Step in Healthcare
The Ministry of Health in Haiti recently sent a couple of representatives to check on our campus in Grand-Goave. Pastor Lex happened to be there to greet them and show them around the clinics. They were impressed with both clinics - especially with the cleanliness. They even commented on the fact that they don't "smell" like clinics normally do. They checked all the medicines and supplies and were very pleased with the organization and happy to see that nothing was expired.

Again, we are so thankful for our Stateside partners, the many dentists, medical doctors, and other medical professionals who have helped to raise the bar and encourage our staff that we can keep doing better. We don't have to be limited by what is acceptable locally, but we can truly go above and beyond. And a big hats off to our staff who continue to strive to do only good to our patients and employ the Golden Rule.

I'd like to share the somewhat daunting "next step" we are taking to improve the quality and expand the availability of healthcare options to our students and neighbors in Grand-Goave. This next step is adding a full service lab to accompany our medical and dental clinics. We have purchased a couple of items needed for the lab and plan to expand more, as the Lord provides.

We are excited to introduce you to Asley, who will be responsible for the lab. We believe she will be a great fit, as she is well qualified, experienced, and very personable. Her first few days she showed herself to be a hard worker, too. Welcome to the team, Asley!!!

Although we are starting with the lab right in the main clinic building, Dr. Evens has made it clear to us that it needs to have its own space. To that end, we have decided to take over the room that has had the radio station in it and construct a new room above it for the radio. This is a huge undertaking and we are depending on God's provision to make this happen. If you would like to be a part of this endeavor, please reach out to me at . Thank you!
It's such a blessing to see our students and staff hard at work. I love that they value education so highly. Plus, these younger ones are just so precious to see!

It's extra special for our students when Professor Eli decides to have devotion time in the library!

Thank you for all your words of encouragement and gifts in support of our work in Haiti. We look forward to the day when the pandemic allows many of you to return to visit us in Haiti and leave a positive footprint on the hearts of our friends.