The Good Fight
Sunday, October 15, 2023

Rev. Eleanor Kalinsky, a dear friend and mentor to all the leadership of Mission of Hope International, went home to be with Jesus a few days ago. L'Eglise Evangélique Mission of Hope in Grand-Goâve, Haïti has been praying for her husband and church family (whom she loved as her own children). Pastor Lex has received so many messages from our church friends in Haïti, reminiscing about the times she visited them and the lasting impact she made on them personally and on the church in general.
Marie Ange manages all the inventory of food, tools, clothing, and school supplies. She does an AMAZING job!!!! She reminded us that Pastor Kalinsky's team trained her as they built shelving and organized everything in our supply room. They took the time to get her input and went step by step, explaining the logic of the new system to her. She still uses that system and keeps everything organized, just as they taught her.

Madona has always been thankful to Pastor Kalinsky for praying over her baby sister. She came very close to death's door, but when all hope seemed gone, GOD provided and Christy is in good health to this day.
For over three decades, Rev. Kalinsky pastored the Full Gospel Interdenominational Church in Manchester, CT. World-Wide Lighthouse Missions is the missions branch of that ministry. These ministries have supported MOHI from its inception. They pray for us constantly, support us financially, and send us at least twelve barrels of food and supplies every quarter. Caring for the poor was paramount to Pastor Kalinsky, and her church has always followed in her footsteps. Even the youngest church members help to pack the barrels and often draw pictures and write messages on the barrels to encourage the children in Haïti. They collected pallets of food when we put the container for Haiti together. They learned to give sacrificially, just like their pastor always did.

Prayer has always been a foundational part of her ministry. We know that anything and everything they send us has been prepared and sent with love and prayer.

Pastor Kalinsky was a pastor to pastors. She always made time to talk with, encourage, counsel, and inspire Pastor Lex. She always showed him respect and honor as a man of God pastoring His flock in Grand-Goâve and St. Etienne. Every month she would write to encourage us. I can't even tell you how much those letters meant to us. I assume that she prayed before writing, and the LORD would lead her in what to tell us about, as they always hit home with us. She even opened her home to us, providing a time of refreshing when it was so needed.
Pastor Kalinsky definitely fought the good fight and we expect her rewards are many. To say that we will miss her is a giant understatement. We will continue pressing forward, always remembering the years of impactful encouragement she gave us.

Pastor Kalinsky always participated in our annual peanut butter drive. I'm hoping you will, too.
Lex and I so appreciate all of you who, like Pastor Kalinsky, are touching so many lives with the love and care that comes from Jesus.