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Sweet Connection

Our high school seniors, you may recall, missed two of their national exams due to some rioting at the school where the exams were being administered. I'm so grateful for all of you who were praying for these students. This week they were allowed to retake those two exams. It would not have been beyond reason for those in authority to deny this privilege, but God made a way for them. Today we rejoice with them!

It was a full week of school with lots of hard work in the classrooms...

...lots of outdoor fun..., tasty meals...

...library time...

...and plenty of socializing!

Our community and students have kept the dentists hopping all week long.

It takes a lot of work to get a whole school full of kids on track for good oral health. Bless Back Worldwide implemented a tremendous program to help us get started on that route - the Fluoride Swish Program!

This little sweetheart is waiting with her mom in the clinic lab for a test result...

Pastor Clement shares the Gospel with people all across the nation on MOHI's radio station...

Pastor Edon and the worship team did a great job of leading people in worship this morning. Pastor Edon preached about persevering in our relationship with Jesus.

Baby Glory was at church this morning with her new mom, Madona - and her one of her new grandmas, Rosenie, obviously took advantage of some play time with her, too.

How wonderful it is to see the baby doing so well. She's healthy and happy. Thank you to all of you who have reached out to cover the hospital costs, as well as other expenses Jephte and Madona now face. Your support is so appreciated!

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving celebration this past week. As you look forward to celebrating Christmas, I want to share a gift-giving opportunity with you. I, along with my daughter and daughter-in-law, will be busy baking and decorating cookies and selling them to help raise funds for MOHI. They will be both yummy AND pretty - perfect for gift giving or for your family to enjoy. Please reach out to Renee, Alexis, and Cherie at right away and we will send you a list of the many cookies, treats, and assortments we are offering - all freshly prepared for you. This is a Sweet Connection! Sweets for you, your family, and friends - Education, healthcare, and food for 800 children and youth in Haiti!

Lex and I are so grateful to each of you who support MOHI in all different ways. From volunteering, to praying, to sending offerings and donating goods - you are impacting so many lives right now. These are real people with hopes and dreams just like you and me. Thank you!!!


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