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On the Horizon

Sunday, October 8, 2023

Haiti received some big news Monday as the United Nations Security Council "authorized deployment of a Multinational Security Support Mission, headed by Kenya, in close cooperation and coordination with the Government of Haiti, for an initial period of 12 months, with a review after nine." Please continue to keep our friends in your prayers. God is the source of our strength and hope.

The current situation in Haiti is very dangerous and unstable. Gangs control 60% of the capital, Port-au-Prince, and people are subject to rape, carjacking, death, and robbery. Many people are fleeing to the provinces in an attempt to escape the violence. It is estimated that over 500,000 have been displaced due to violence in Port-au-Prince.

We at MOHI are so grateful to God for his provision for the students. His presence nourishes them, spirit and soul.

High-protein rice and soy meals are a favorite for the students.

And when they are not feeling well or in pain, the LORD provides health and dental care for them.

Nutritious food goes a long way in strengthening these babies for the future.

The LORD provides through the generosity of people like you and me. People from across the country are reaching out to join this month's peanut butter drive. How about you? Contact us today to make arrangements to get them to us: Or you can make a donation toward the peanut butter drive to help purchase additional peanut butter or help to pay for the shipping to Haiti. Thank you!!!


The "Orange Love" team brought soccer cleats, jerseys, socks, and balls to our friends in La Grua. It was pretty exciting to drive by and see the kids out on the field playing in their new uniforms. They are soooooooooo excited!

We are still raising funds to get the roof on the shelter for the fire victims in La Grua. Please consider donating today. Thank you.

Lex and Ron visited some businesses in preparation for the Business Academy workshops.

It was so exciting to host two workshops this past week for local business owners. We were hoping for maybe 8-10 people. It was interesting when people started showing up - and kept showing up. We ended up with about 40 in attendance each night - AND found ourselves needing to translate into both Spanish and Haitian Creole.

The participants learned a lot and were very happy to receive certificates for completing the workshops. The president and vice-president of the chamber of commerce assisted in presenting the certificates.

On Monday, we were joined by Taran, Cliff, and Chelle. Taran jumped right in, translating at the first workshop. I enjoyed watching everyone get to know each other and work together in the workshop preparations, home visits with prayer and food distributions, village ministry, and fun moments (like going out for ice cream).

Apparently, Cliff is quite the singer!

Ron and Ramona left before everyone else, but it seemed they were looking for us from the plane. Ramona took a picture of Luperón Bay (where the mission house is located) and sent it to us. Pretty cool!

Taran, Cliff, and Chelle joined Nurse Marlouse and our friends in the village of Cambiaso.

One of our favorite ways to end a Hope Encounter is an evening at Fricolandia. It's one of those places everyone should experience at least once.

There is a lot on the horizon these days - a multinational force preparing to enter Haiti, rumors of the border opening, starting up a business academy... All are subjects for prayer. Please join us when MOHI, Haiti, or the Dominican Republic come to mind. Thank you!


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