New Things
March 26, 2023
I'm excited to share with you that our sweet Alia (grandbaby #3) arrived in Massachusetts this week. She came three weeks early but not before Papy and Memèy returned from our time in the Dominican Republic. Look at how good the LORD has been to our family! We arrived in MA Saturday night and our daughter, Alexis, went into labor Tuesday morning. I had time to go to church and unpack before she made her debut. Mama and baby are both doing well. Alia's brother and sister have been eagerly awaiting her arrival. It was a very special moment when they first saw her beautiful face.

Our new granddaughter is being well cared for. I am so grateful. Imagine what it is like for those living in extreme poverty. It can be difficult for malnourished moms to produce an adequate milk supply for their babies. The poverty that causes their weak state of health will hit their little ones, too. Often times they begin feeding their children within the first two months. They often arrive at our feeding programs with dry, scaly skin and red hair - signs of malnourishment. When they come to the program early, we can usually help reverse the problem and alleviate the health risks.

In addition to adding nutrients to their diets, we also have the privilege of serving babies in the medical clinic. We are so blessed to be there for these little ones in every way possible.

Of course, our medical and dental staff help people of all ages and all backgrounds.

We plan to spend April with our growing family before returning to Hispaniola in May. We are scheduling more Hope Encounters (short-term mission trips) for the Spring. We still have some openings for the May 13 - 20 trip. We have been working in a couple of villages, an elementary school, and with the Haitian Baptist Church of Luperòn. We have received some really great feedback from those who have visited with us already. We'd love to share this new experience with you, too. Drop me a quick note right now at

Carline attends Eglise Evangélique Mission of Hope at our main campus in Thozin, Grand-Goâve, Haïti. She was very sick. Her family lost all hope as the doctor discharged her so she could die at home. Prayers continued to be raised on her behalf. While in prayer, Pastor Maniol had a vision of the LORD healing her. From that time, she was healed. She was excited to share her testimony with the church this past week. Everyone thanked God and rejoiced with her that she is still alive and doing well.
If you own a house, you know there is always something that needs painting or fixing or replacing. Paul has been a wonderful asset to MOHI in Thozin for the past 24 years. From fixing the school benches to cleaning the toilets, there's nothing that Paul won't do. And he does it with a cheerful heart and good attitude. He is a good example to all those around him of what it looks like to be a follower of Jesus.

While we are just planting in Haïti, we are harvesting in the Dominican Republic and planting again! We're providing jobs AND food! It's a win-win!

New babies, new veggies, new adventures in Luperòn. I like new things. Better than all of these things, God has given us new life. We are new creatures!
