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Living Examples of the Gospel

What a joy to my heart to see my husband back in MOHI's Thozin pulpit this morning!!!! You have to understand, he just doesn't stay home from church. He was raised in a Christian home and Sunday morning he was in church. That's just the way it was. So, when he missed one, two, and then three Sunday services I KNEW he was really not well. God is so good. I am so grateful that He has raised him back up. Thank you so much to all of you who have been praying for him!

Pastor Lex's message to the church this morning was twofold and speaks volumes to me. First of all, Christ is the Solid Rock - our Security...MY security! I can't provide security for myself. I can't control my own life. But I am very secure on the Rock!

Secondly, HIS directive to us from Ephesians 4:32, "Be kind to one another..." That's not a suggestion. There are plenty of times when actually acting kind is contrary to everything my flesh is screaming at me to do. Sometimes I just have to pause and really ponder - Christ, the Solid Rock, the very foundation of my being, told me to be kind, tenderhearted, forgiving... Hmmmm, that's how He treats me... I am far from perfect. He knows every sin I have committed. He knows what I deserve. He chooses to be kind, tenderhearted, and forgiving toward me. How can I justify not doing so for others? Move over flesh!!!

I often hear Haitians talk (and sing!) about the critical role the mother in the home fills for the family unit. She is called the center pole. She is compared to a very hardy plant called "ozon." It's hard to get rid of because even if you burn it or chop it down, it quickly grows back again. At MOHI's Thozin church congregation in Haiti, the group below is probably the most beloved of all. The church ignites with love when they sing.

How wonderful to see folks come together after church today to help go through the thousands of uniforms donated by Project 61-3 Ministries. It was a lot of work for them to go through them and give them to us. It was a lot of work to pack and ship them all. And now, it'll be a lot of work to organize them and get them to the students this month. I think our friends in Haiti are up for the challenge!

Our combined "Haiti in Crisis" response with Mission E4 was in full swing again this week with continued food distributions for students and staff.

We're so grateful that Mission E4 was able to obtain fuel for us this week when none was available in Grand-Goave.

I can't even tell you how much this partnership is working well for us all! We are so excited to be partnering with Mission E4 on the expansion of their medical ministry in Leogane, both administratively and helping to facilitate physical construction. Lex was honored to be a part of bringing clean water to a Mission E4 campus, too.

It thrills me that our partner in medical ministry, Bless Back Worldwide, is right with us in these expansions - not only in Leogane, but also for the Christian Light School students in Port-au-Prince. They have worked so hard and for so long at perfecting a foundation that facilitates the provision of quality primary care to our schools and Haitian communities!

I can't even begin to fathom the hours that have gone into developing their own electronic medical record system, a complete and affordable drug formulary, and protocols that line up with the World Health Organization. These protocols are not just good by Haitian standards, but ensure quality care by global standards. They have also brought dozens and dozens of medical professionals to work side by side with our staff and provide continuing education. So importantly, they treat each of our staff as the medical professionals that they are.

We all love the babies, but Pastor Lex especially! Phna never passes up an opportunity to take a picture with him.

The Baby Feeding Program in the Ravine is his heartbeat! These little ones are enjoying eggs, avocados, and bread, a favorite breakfast for many!

Getting those vitamin drops into the infants is not for the faint of heart!

I have translated a letter from Mano that I'd like to share with you:

Good afternoon MOHI supporters. I greet you in God's all-powerful name, while greeting Pastor Lex's family also, which is doing a big work in Haiti. I am the fruit of MOHI in Grand-Goave. I am Jean Mano Isidore. I first got involved with the mission when I was 25 years old. I was a part of the church and then started to work for MOHI. When I was 32, Pastor Lex and his wife suggested that I go back to school and they would support me. I really had to think about it, as I already had 3 children. Well, I agreed and went back to 9th grade at the MOHI school. By the grace of Pastor Lex and the mission supporters, I was able to graduate from high school. After graduation, Pastor Lex and his wife encouraged me to continue my education and so I enrolled in college for developmental science. It took me several years, but they supported me through it and today I a principal at MOHI's school in Thozin. I feel proud of who I am today and I want to take this opportunity to thank Pastor Lex and all who support MOHI, because without them I wouldn't be who I am today.

How incredible it is to know that you and I had a part in transforming his life and his own self-worth!

This month we are preparing for the 2020-2022 school year which begins next month. We are expecting over 1100 students to attend on 3 different campuses. Mano's story will be repeated over and over again. Sure the details will be unique for each student, but their lives will be forever impacted. I hope you never take your investment in these students lightly. You are impacting their lives but do the math, too. God MULTIPLIES your efforts! How many lives will each of these students impact as living examples of the Gospel? Wow!!! Can you wrap your brain around that one?


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