Life Team Impact
Sunday, February 11, 2024

Greetings, dear supporters and readers! As we delve into the events of the past week in Haiti and the Dominican Republic, we are filled with gratitude for your unwavering support and prayers. Your dedication enables us to continue our mission of positively impacting lives in communities in need. Without further ado, let us journey through the remarkable experiences of the past week, starting with Life Team in the Dominican Republic.
A Day of Connection and Prayer
Our week began before dawn with a serene Sunday morning stroll, where team members engaged in meaningful encounters with locals. Guided by Albania and Johanna's translations, we shared moments of prayer and reflection with newfound friends.

Later in the afternoon, our team extended gestures of appreciation to the local firefighters - in the form of pizza and prayer!
Embracing Divine Appointments
Monday morning witnessed the entire team embarking on a shared journey of faith into the downtown area. Every encounter became a divine appointment as we traversed the streets, offering smiles, hugs, and prayers. One woman even invited us to her house for coffee! Our interactions underscored the beauty of God's orchestrations in every moment.

After devotions and breakfast, a portion of our team dedicated their efforts to the construction site of the Haitian Baptist Church of Luperón.

Their labor of love laid the foundation for a place of worship and community for generations to come.

Later in the day, they reunited with the rest of the team in La Grúa, where together, they embarked on a heartwarming mission. Painting the first apartment building for the fire victims, they not only adorned walls with clean, white paint but also adorned hearts with hope.

Amidst shared laughter and camaraderie, lasting friendships were forged, amplifying the impact of our collective endeavors.

Extending Healing and Care
Joined by Nurse Marlouse, our team provided essential healthcare services to villagers in La Grúa and Baraguana.

From wound care to prenatal assistance, each interaction was imbued with the power of prayer and compassion. Additionally, we distributed gifts and vitamins, extending tangible expressions of love to mothers and babies in need.

A Particularly Special Moment

Lisa experienced a deeply moving encounter in Playa Cambiaso. Here's her firsthand account:
"...There was a woman over the age of 100... She was a 'woman of the streets' and felt so unworthy of God's love. As Christians, we are all so unworthy of God's love. She isn't any different than any of us sinners. Romans 3:23 says we are all sinners, but we are all worthy of God's love and forgiveness (because of Jesus). This woman accepted Jesus, and tears just poured out of her because she felt God's love and her body was at peace. This beautiful soul just hugged me and laid her head on my shoulder. She just laid there knowing that she is loved."
Nourishing Body and Soul
Thursday evening was marked by a heartwarming gathering with local pastors. Through a shared meal and heartfelt conversations, we cultivated a sense of community and support.

Home visits with Pastor Miratel further exemplified our commitment to meeting both spiritual and physical needs, as we distributed food, shared testimonies of God's provision, and prayed for the needs of the families we met.

Reflecting on God's Faithfulness
As the team prepared to head to the airport, Pastor Miratel came by to express his gratitude for the transformative experiences we shared.

Amidst breathtaking natural landscapes, we witnessed God's handiwork and rejoiced in the lives touched and needs met.

As the team was en route to the airport, we prepared a special surprise for Jay. Like many others on the team, Jay had decided to sponsor a child at our school in Haiti. We were able to make arrangements with Madona in Haiti and Bernard in the DR for Wilken and Jay to have a video chat on the side of the road. Jay had no idea, so the shock factor was priceless. Jay and Wilken were both sporting great big smiles and everyone in both countries who witnessed the exchange were rejoicing with them.

Testimonies abounded, affirming the profound impact of our collective efforts.

Ongoing Challenges and Resilience
Despite challenges such as anti-government protests and school closures, our commitment to serving the communities in Haiti remains steadfast.
Through continued provision of essential services and unwavering faith, we continue navigating turbulent times with resilience and hope.

Rosemarie is the mother of four children, from the village of Ti Paradi (Little Paradise). One of her daughters had a rough night, so she brought her to the clinic in the morning. She was expecting to pay a lot of money and was shocked when her daughter's medicine was all for free. She was so grateful.

We are grateful, too, especially for our medical partners, Bless Back Worldwide, and the medicines they are able to purchase at a reduced cost from Blessings International. "Many hands make light work!"

Veggies from the garden are going to good use!

Exciting News and Call to Action

In addition to our on-the-ground efforts, we received some thrilling news over the weekend from our partners in Tulsa at Against Global Hunger. They shared plans to ship three pallets of their highly nutritious rice and soy casserole to Boston in the coming week. This generous donation holds immense potential to nourish and sustain our students and babies in Haiti, offering a lifeline of hope and sustenance in times of need.
However, to ensure the safe arrival of this vital food supply to Grand-Goave, we need your support. The shipping cost amounts to $2,500, a crucial investment in the well-being of our community members. Your contribution, no matter the size, will make a tangible difference in the lives of those we serve. Together, let us extend our hands in generosity and compassion, embodying the spirit of unity and shared humanity.
If you feel called to join us in this endeavor, please consider making a donation towards the shipping cost. Your support will not only facilitate the transportation of essential provisions but also signify a powerful act of solidarity and love. Together, we can make a meaningful impact and continue spreading rays of hope in the darkest of times.
Support and Prayers
Your contributions enable us to be vessels of God's love and compassion in Haiti and the Dominican Republic. Thank you for your continued financial and prayerful support as we embark on the journey ahead. Together, we can make a difference, one life at a time.