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Fear Not!

I do think it's important to choose well what to look at in this life. I find the more I consider the goodness of God that I have personally witnessed, the easier it is to maintain hope.

God has truly blessed us with some incredible people in Haiti to work with! Madame Yve Rose heads up our preschool department. She works hard with both teachers and students to give the children a great start in their schooling!

Marie Ange works as the controller on our main campus. From school supplies and lunches to construction equipment, supplies, and materials - if you need it to do your job, you're going to have to see Marie Ange.

Asley is our newest staff member - the sole employee in the medical lab. She is very knowledgeable and takes great pride in her work. She's a great addition to our wonderful medical staff!

As restrictions ease in the US, Haiti is facing increased restrictions due to a surge in COVID-19 cases and related deaths. The fear caused by this new outbreak may be worse than the sickness itself. Please join us in praying for the peace and wellbeing of our friends in Haiti!

These new restrictions mean that our high school seniors in Grand-Goave will not be able to enjoy a public graduation ceremony. We're grateful that Christian Light School (CLS) held graduation just prior to the new restrictions being instated. Praise the Lord! Classes at all 3 schools will continue through the end of June and the senior classes will continue working until they go to national exams in July.

It's harvest time. Remember the cornfield picture I shared a couple of weeks ago? Here's one of MANY bags of corn we harvested this week.

Pastor Lex had his work cut out for him during his recent stay in Haiti. There's always something that needs to be signed - or a LOT of things, as is the case here!

He was able to continue overseeing work on the medical lab, too.

How awesome it is to be able to provide medical care to hundreds of people every week! We are so grateful to our partners, Bless Back Worldwide and Mission USA for ensuring medical and dental clinics can continue operating. Their support and yours means that people have a place to turn to when troubles come.

Marie Esther is a hard-working seventh-grade student at MOHI's school in Grand-Goave. She started when she was three years old and definitely has a little school pride. She tells us how people in her neighborhood say that the education at MOHI transforms lives and is a model for society. She asked that we thank each person who supports MOHI for their contribution into her life. She believes God will not lack in pouring out His blessing on each of your lives. What a sweetie!!!

As the school year approaches its end and the political unrest appears to continue to rise, I'm asking that you would continue to hold these precious students up in prayer. They have been working so hard! May they finish the year without incident or delay. Lord we ask for your grace to continue to move them forward and that their knowledge of and experience with YOU would continue to grow!


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