February 26, 2023
We started the week with an evening of music, encouragement, conversations, and food for our staff and their guests.

Cooking began early in the day, with several volunteers joining in.

A team of high school students did an incredible job of serving their teachers and other MOHI staff. They came together to turn the chapel into a beautiful reception hall with covered tables and chairs, decorated with balloons and fresh flowers. They greeted and seated the guests, kept their water glasses filled, and smiled throughout the evening.

Pastor Lex shared a few words, thanking the staff for their hard work, encouraging them to continue living their lives for Jesus by serving others, and honoring them for their perseverance through such very difficult times in Haiti.

The staff truly deserve the recognition. They maintain the physical campuses...

...bring relief from pain and healing of bodies...

...impart life into souls, young and old...

...always, they teach...

...encourage good fun...

...and they feed over a thousand people daily - mostly children.

While we greatly appreciate our staff, we know that none of the acts of kindness, commitment to community, and service would be possible without you - the ones who pray for our friends in Haiti and financially support all of this and more. As I pray for you, I think of you living out Philippians 2:4, "Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others." Amen!
I love what our medical partners at Bless Back Worldwide say: "You are blessed. Bless back!" They bless many, including our Haitian friends living in Grand-Goave and Leogane. Our medical staff appreciate their interventions and are happy to sport the latest t-shirts gifted to them.

Thank you for being a blessing!!!
