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Almost Christmas

Hello Friends. I hope you are enjoying this Christmas season! Here's a "Good Morning" picture from Grand-Goave

It's been a very busy week in our schools. The students and staff in Port-au-Prince have been working hard, preparing for the upcoming Christmas program at CLS. Benches have been turned into a stage in the yard.

It's exciting to be able to rehearse on stage!

The preschool students are having fun developing hand coordination.

Students everywhere enjoy the social aspect of school during breaks from classwork!

Each morning the students come together to show respect to God through prayer and song, and to their country in the flag-raising ceremony.

Students value the education they are receiving, knowing that many do not have that privilege.

They understand that having books to read is a privilege, as well.

What a blessing it is to have Nurse Marlouse working for MOHI now. She is caring for the students and staff at the CLS campus in Port-au-Prince.

Nurse Marlouse treated Madame Sylvia, who was in a motorcycle accident this week. We are praying for her and grateful for the care she is receiving.

The babies in the Ravine near CLS are a joy to behold! Thank you for helping to give them a strong start in life with daily feedings and vitamins. One of the best ways to ensure the babies are thriving is by measuring and weighing them regularly to make sure they are consistently gaining weight as they grow.

Your support is helping to shine the Light of Jesus in a place that is often dark. Please pray with us that these moms, dads, and caretakers would sense Jesus' care for them at these feedings.

What an honor it is to be able to provide medical and dental care for our students, staff, and community in Grand-Goave!

Asley has been doing a great job in the medical lab. The woman above told us she doesn't like to be "stung" so she closes her eyes. Asley not only collects the necessary samples, but she also does the testing. Sometimes that means she has several patients waiting. She also does a great job of satisfying these patients!

In Grand-Goave, the students have their second-quarter exams leading up to their Christmas break.

Yes, even the preschoolers in Haiti have exams - although they are less likely to stress over them!

Birthdays are recognized in the preschool classes - even when it's almost Christmas!

At the end of the exam period there are LOTS of smiles to be seen around the yard.

We are so grateful for the amazing leaders the Lord has raised up at the MOHI churches. Pastor Clement, leading in prayer below, is one of them!

Lex and I are praying for you. It is our hope that during this special season you will come to more fully know and appreciate the Lord and who you are in HIM. We pray that He would open doors for you to share your faith with others in meaningful ways. And we are thanking HIM for putting you in our lives, so that together we can touch lives and shine His Light in the dark places so that others will see HIM, too.

Wishing you a blessed and joyous Christmas!

Click on the Christmas Kitty (drawn by Grand-Goave student, Sonson) if you would like to make a donation to help cover extra costs in Haiti for Christmas celebrations and gifts.


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