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Yesterday our high school seniors at Christian Light School had their graduation ceremony. Sherrie and the staff have worked so hard with these students. It's a HAPPY day for everyone! I'm pretty sure that anyone who has graduated from high school remembers it as a very special moment in their life. Years later, most are very glad they persevered and accomplished such a great goal.

In Haiti it's estimated that only 20% of age-eligible children actually attend high school and only a small portion of them actually graduate. What a tremendous accomplishment for these students! Their families are so proud of them, as are we!

Pastor Lex was so happy to be a part of the graduation yesterday and today to join our church family again this morning for worship in Thozin.

Livens first came to school at MOHI in Thozin when he was three years old. He's now 18. He recently expressed his gratitude to us (specifically Pastor Lex, his wife, and MOHI supporters) for providing wonderful opportunities for him. He said his parents didn't have the means to send him to school, but MOHI made it possible. Now he's just 2 years away from completing high school now. He's really interested in the medical field and has asked that we would all pray for him to be able to realize his dream of going to med school one day. Thank you!

Livens and his classmates just finished up a week of testing. It's common practice in Haiti to space students out for exams!

Vecina recently visited the medical clinic at MOHI. She had been suffering for about a month before she finally "gave in" and came. Just like in the US, not everyone in Haiti is eager to go see the doctor. As we seem to hear so often, Vecina was so pleased by the way she was treated by the medical staff. She was able to have a time of prayer with Pastor Bauvais, have a consultation with Dr. Cadet, fill her prescriptions and have lab tests done all in one place. God's goodness is being witnessed moment by moment at the clinic. We are so grateful for our amazing partners at Bless Back Worldwide who provide so much - from training to medicines to ideas to financial support and continued support of our vision at MOHI! Such blessings to our students and neighbors in Thozin and beyond!

We are grateful for all who have responded to Marie Rose's need we shared with you. As a recent widow and mother of 13 (one deceased) to say she was struggling would be a major understatement. Because of the support from several of you, we have been able to get 7 of her kids started in school in Thozin and provide food to continue feeding the family. We recently received a donation to begin the foundation for a new home for Marie Rose and her children. Would you like to be a part of an answer to prayer and help build her new home? There are two ways you can help. You can make a financial donation and/or you can physically come to Haiti to help put the roof on the house. Either way, please send me a quick email at with your intentions and any words of encouragement you might like to share with Marie Rose. Thank you! (Here's Marie Rose with two of her daughters and the triplets during a recent clinic visit.)

Many of us are in the middle of celebrating Memorial Day this weekend. I hope you are able to enjoy some time with family and friends. I am reminded of the kind of sacrifice that people I don't even know have made for me. I honor their memory and pray for the family's they left behind.


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