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Happy Mother's Day to all our "Mom" friends today!!!

Facebook was open on my computer as I sat to write today. I found myself perusing through post after post after post of pictures of my friends' mothers and the wonderful narratives that went with them. Some of my friends were grateful, some proud, and some sad. For the first time, it occurred to me how differently I've viewed Mother's Day over the years. From considering staying home from church on Mother's Day, so I wouldn't embarrass myself when I couldn't hold back the tears of pain, to finding great joy in the celebration of motherhood - I think I've experienced every emotion possible about this day. I'm so grateful today to celebrate Mother's Day with my children and grandchildren. It's a very, very special day for me! It is tempered, however, by a heart heavy for loved ones who are missing their moms or their children today.

Back in young adulthood, I struggled for many years with infertility. Psalm 113:9 was always on my mind and on my tongue, "He maketh the barren woman to keep house and to be a joyful mother of children. Praise ye the Lord." The Lord did this and so much more for me! I praise the LORD!!!

Madame Edon's face totally lights up when she's with one of her two grandbabies!

Today I rejoice over all the Lord has done for me. I have hundreds of children and grandchildren to care for now!

I was blessed to spend my afternoon today with my children, grandchildren, some special friends and their children and grandchildren, nieces, and nephews. This is the good life!

Enjoy your mothers and children today! More than anything, find your joy, peace, and worth in our Savior!


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