Jesus Changes Everything
Oh how my heart rejoices to be in Haiti! And how it misses my babies back home.
How well I remember when we first came to Haiti. No internet. No cell phones. No landline in our dwelling. Our home church was a lifeline for me, emotionally. We would wait in line at the local telephone company to get a phone call from them - and pay more than we could afford for the privilege.
Today, I can pick up my cell phone and talk with our staff at the school while I'm at the missionary compound preparing for a team's arrival. I can communicate with our friends in North America and Europe quickly via Facebook or a quick email. I even have a variety of ways to video chat or have voice calls with them. I can be in Haiti and still sing the Itsy Bitsy Spider with my grandchildren in Massachusetts and help make wedding plans with my son. I'm so grateful for modern technology! (AJay and his fiancée Cherie...)
In the meantime, we do manage to find some babies to snuggle. (...Such as Jephte & Madona's baby and Pastor Edon's grandbaby.)
I so appreciate our staff of teachers who work so hard to care for the students.
The school had exams all week. Starting with preschool (can you imagine?)...
All the way through high school.
All the elementary and middle school classes were in there, too...
I love the nurses in our medical clinic. They are both very assertive, while being very caring. (Sounds about right for a nurse, doesn't it?) Below you can see Nurse Sarah serving in several positions - and the updated pharmacy counters.
Here's one of the reasons we do what we do!
Dr. Mabou runs a tight ship in the dental clinic, ever keeping a watchful eye on her staff.
Our guys are looking sharp!
When Pastor Lex is not in formal meetings, he's in informal ones around the yard, in the classroom, and on worksites.
If it's early in the day, you may see him calling to the goats to come eat.
This week he was also busy overseeing the construction of 2 foundations. White Stone Church (Knoxville, TN) will be constructing homes on them next week.
Yesterday the first team from White Stone Church arrived. It's been a while since we've seen them, so our hearts are happy! Pastor Mark Zimmerman shared a wonderful message this morning based on Matthew Chapters 5 through 7. The recurring theme? When Jesus comes on the scene EVERYTHING changes!
That's the quick update for this week. Please keep us in prayer as we continue preparing for the 20 years in Haiti celebration next month!