Teaching, Healing, Feeding
MOHI students definitely have a sense of school pride. Early on they are already becoming confident in their knowledge and understanding. Above all, they are learning to trust God in every situation, knowing that He is GOOD and has GOOD plans for their lives.

The students are keeping our dentists very busy these days, but they don't seem to mind. They are grateful for the ability to help these youngsters.

Hats off once again to Lifeline Christian Missions for sharing their beans with us. We just picked up another 2000 pounds! At a time when so many are suffering in hunger, this gift will help fill many little bellies.

Our students in St. Etienne are enjoying the beans, as well as food from Kids Against Hunger.

The medical clinic is a blessing to so many in Grand-Goave and the surrounding areas. Our doctors and nurses have done a great job stepping up into an online record keeping system and implementing many suggestions from our partners at Bless Back Worldwide.

Flooding occurred this week in the neighboring city of Petit-Goave. 2 people died and 4 are missing. Over 250 homes have been destroyed and many have been displaced. Please join us in praying for our neighbors.

(Photo: Richard Phillips)
Thank you to those who have already shipped peanut butter to us! When you ship from Amazon we don't know who it's from. If you'd like us to know you've sent it or that we should be expecting it, please drop us a quick email to let us know. Thanks.

Drop off or ship peanut butter to MOHI, 192 Pearl St, Gardner, MA 01440 OR World-Wide Lighthouse Missions 723 Main St, Manchester, CT 06040.
Lex and I appreciate all your prayers and support for MOHI's work in Haiti. Thank you!