He's Alive in You and Me
Happy Resurrection (aka Easter) Sunday, Friends! What a wonderful thing it is to know that Jesus overcame death and the grave. In addition to that, to know that He is alive and at work in you and me - right now! We are now sons and daughters of God - adopted into His family. Every moment of every day we have the opportunity to experience freedom...light...love - from the One who created and then redeemed us and in Whom we are now one! (In case you couldn't tell, I get a little excited about what Easter means to me!) I am so grateful for the life He gave and now shares with us! How about you?

Almost a year ago we had a team from Charlotte Christian School travel to MOHI with Bless Back Worldwide. They conducted a seminar for our teachers that impacted them deeply and thus impacted our schools, as well. The lead teacher, Kaylah Holland, has just completed her PhD and is now officially Dr. Kaylah Holland! Congratulations to Dr. Holland! We're so proud of her.

Dr. Holland recently started a non-profit organization called Go Teach Be Love. I have been sooooo eager to share this news with you. Here's how she put it (a quote from her website):

YES!!! She's coming to serve in Haiti full-time (starting out with a one year commitment). Pastor Lex and I are just beside ourselves! Upon hearing the news, the mission's leadership team immediately started discussing where they wanted her office to be. They are so eager to welcome her. Our teaching staff is thrilled, too. We're so grateful to the Lord for guiding Dr. Holland to come serve with us for the benefit of the Haitian people!
Our churches in Haiti celebrated Easter today, too. Here are a few pictures from Thozin.

Madame Louis, from the church in St Etienne shared with great joy what the Lord has done for her:

"I'll say thank you to God for His grace, love, and compassion. Myself, I'm looking at all the wonderful things God has done for me. I was sick. I went to the hospital. The doctor told me my life was over. All my bones were hurting and I was dying, but I looked to God. He healed me. He delivered me. I had no place to live and he gave me a house. He blessed me. He has done so much for me. Oh my friend, God has power. He is able! Put your trust in Him! What He's done for me He'll do for everyone that puts their confidence in Him."
We've been quite busy in the clinics this week with both dentists and both doctors working.

Tuesday we held an outreach in Petit-Goave.

Wednesday we saw 40 patients at our St. Etienne campus. The dentists also checked out many mouths.

Haiti's political situation remains strained. Please remember to join us in praying for those in authority in Haiti.

Thank you so much for praying with us and for us! Have a wonderful week!