Here Am I
Our construction crew has been busy over the past few weeks. The school students now enter the school from a side entrance that keeps them well away from the main road - and dangerous traffic. There is currently a staircase very close to that entrance in the middle of the walkway that is used to access the classrooms above the medical/dental clinics. We looked for a different way to access the second level and decided on building a ramp between the main school staircase and that second level. We are happy with the results and look forward to removing the old staircase.

What a joy to see Pastor Edon back in the pulpit in Thozin this morning! As you can imagine, it's been a difficult time for him and his family since the death of his eldest son. We're grateful for the strength the Lord is giving him and we ask that you would continue to lift him and his family up in your prayers. Thank you.

Nurse Baby has gone on maternity leave. We pray for her to have a safe delivery, a healthy new baby, a complete recovery from the birth experience, and a wonderful start for Davidson and Baby's growing family. Would you join us in praying for them?
Dieulene, who is filling in for Baby, and our new nurse, Sara Lindor (a MOHI graduate who went on to complete nursing school), were on their toes this week, assisting Dr. Evens, educating patients, and treating wounds.

A laceration like this one, left untreated, could have devastating results. We are grateful for medical personnel, supplies, faithful partners, and the patients who seek medical care at MOHI.

My thoughts are continually with our friends in Haiti. I'm so grateful for the sense of hope that continues to grow and expand. Each life that encounters the ministry from our friends at MOHI is somehow impacted. Many chains of bondage are broken through education, through Biblical counsel, by listening to radio programs broadcast through Radio Pataj at 106.3, through a meal served to a hungry soul, through medical and/or dental care... even by a simple word or touch of caring.

I also think about how MOHI is made up of so many "average" people. And yet, as I ponder over those "average" people, I find many are absolutely extraordinary! However, most of these "Supermen" come to us disguised as "Clark Kents". More often than not, we don't see Superman showing up on the outside.

Do you consider yourself "average"? It may just be that you are the one God is preparing to impact another's life. Could it be that HE wants to use you to share a simple truth with one person that will have a ripple effect throughout a community and beyond?

It's good to have self confidence, but our wardrobe should be humility and sound judgement. I suspect the Lord is not necessarily looking for those who think they can change the world through their amazing talents and people skills. Rather, HE may be seeking those who are aware of their weaknesses and have confidence in HIM, knowing that HIS strength is made perfect in weakness (2 Cor. 12:9). Is HE calling out to you, today? How will you answer HIM?

If you are a member of the Body of Christ, rest assured that HE truly does have work for you to do. Your faith in HIM requires action. I encourage you to talk with Jesus right now and ask HIM to give you ears to hear what HE is asking of you. Don't expect to know the whole plan, all the details and reasons HE is asking you to step out, but do expect HIM to communicate to you what the next step in your walk of faith is to be. And then be strong and courageous and take that step.
For those of you whose hearts are being stirred by the ministry taking place in Haiti, it is my hope that you will boldly take the next step. Whether it's to pray, to support financially, volunteer your time, or even visit Haiti with us and share what you know with others, I want to hear from you. Please click here to let me know how God is calling out to you and what your response is. I want to pray for you and encourage you, as you act on your faith.
There's still time to get involved in our annual peanut butter drive. Two weeks to go. Contact us for a drop off location near you!
Saturday, November 3rd, Clifton Lutheran Church will be holding a special evening Hope for Haiti fund raising event for MOHI. If you are in the Boston or North Shore area, please consider joining them. It's going to be a great night of fun with live music, food, and fun - all for a great cause!
My family and I will be heading to Southern California next weekend. I would be so grateful for your prayers on our behalf as we travel, visit with friends, minister in churches, and make new friends. Thank you!