Loving to Learn
We're in our 19th year of school at MOHI in Grand-Goave. Over the years, I have seen such a hunger for learning develop in our students. Where once there were certain "amazing" students, today it seems that MOST are those "amazing" students. Our teaching staff, also, has taken a step up - no longer satisfied with just the status quo, they are eager to learn more and be better teachers this year than they were last.

Lex and I are nearly beside ourselves with excitement for this school year. Changes, although challenging in and of themselves, certainly will bring great improvements. We see anticipation in our students and staff. Hope seems to increase year by year and with it, more and more accomplishments are made.

This year we are beginning a story-time and conversational English program for our preschool and elementary students through grade 5. We are planning for lots of library time and counting on having many guests read to our students, in addition to their English teacher.

Here are some of our newer students in St. Etienne...

Next week the Covenant Day School will be sending a team to MOHI in Haiti. They plan to complete the aquaponics project they began this summer. They will be working side by side with another group of students from our high school. I'm hopeful that this project will not only produce fish to eat, but can also be used for hands on labs in our science classes.
The culinary program started by Holger and Sigrun Kraft last year seems to have a life of its own now. A core group of students from their class has taken to teaching new students. Cleanliness, accuracy in measurements, safety, hospitality, kindness, and team work still rule in the kitchen!

Here's Jessica working on some muffins!

We are happy to welcome Dr. Evens to our medical staff in the clinic at MOHI. He will begin working full time with us in October. One of our favorite things about Dr. Evens is that he loves to listen to his patients. Not only does this help with diagnosing problems, but he also learns a lot from his patients. We believe Dr. Evens will be a great addition to our team.

Remember the peanut butter drive! Please make a point of gathering some peanut butter to send to Haiti. Contact us here to find a local drop off or to get shipping instructions. If you would like to add your church or business location to our list, please let us know. Donations will be accepted through November 11, 2018. Your jar of peanut butter can end up in the tummy of a malnourished child and bring health to them. Thank you for your generosity!

Have you seen our Facebook Live broadcasts yet? You can find them on the Mission of Hope International Facebook Page each Sunday morning at 8. Here's Andrew and Chadieu yesterday afternoon, preparing song lyrics for this morning's service. What a blessing they are!!!

And here's a picture from this morning at our church in St Etienne (where there's no internet signal to stream it live).

Thank you for keeping up with us, for your prayers and gifts. God bless you!