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The most amazing thing happened to me this week. I became a grandma.

Alante Joshua Michel arrived at 8:46 Friday morning. At 21 1/2 inches he weighed a whopping TEN pounds! Lex and I were with mom and dad throughout the long laboring process. All of us are so proud of Alexis. She endured much and truly rose to the occasion. She's a trooper. Lex and I are so proud, too, of our son-in-law Alain. He will be an incredible dad - and already is.

Alante is handsome, of course, and already seems so good-natured. Most of his awake time is spent in his daddy's hands, as he sings, prays, and talks with him. His mommy is so attentive to him. Even his little gurgles as he sleeps are not lost on her. Their little family is the sweetest sight to me. Lex and I are stricken with love.

Back in Haiti, Jephte, Pastor Hakine, and Pastor Edon continue to hold down the fort. Holger and Sigrun continue to work with our culinary students. We've had a busy week in the medical clinic. Trimester exams in the school have been going on all week and will continue tomorrow. We've been doing a lot of work on the road drainage in front of the Thozin campus. So much soil washes off the mountain behind the school during rain storms. It's been dry lately, so we've taken advantage of this time to remove many truckloads of soil so we can keep the water running when it does rain.

A side affect of Alante's birth is that I am currently quite sleep deprived. Please "tune in" again next week for some more updates on the mission. And please feel free to join us in praying for our friends in Haiti.

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