Absolutely Amazing!
Amazing. Amazing! AMAZING!!! That’s how I can describe this week. Absolutely amazing!!!
I was thrilled to feel the electricity generated by the students as they entered the chapel for the fashion show. The sewing students were totally ecstatic, proud, and nervous. Their dresses, backpacks, and purses were all well done. Each one was unique as the students were able to choose how they wanted to decorate them.
During the fashion show it was so sweet to see the huge smiles on everyone’s faces. If you are familiar with Haitian culture at all, you know that any time there is an isle entrance to be made, it is done with a serious face. Now, that may be because they have to concentrate so hard to make sure they don’t mess up their dance steps, because there is no “walking” down the isle in Haiti. There’s always music and there’s always special (dance) steps to take the whole way down. So, the fact that they smiled made my heart very happy.
[video here]
[video here]
Once everyone was on the platform, they were then individually presented with a certificate, acknowledging their efforts. It wasn’t just a typical certificate, which are so valued in Haiti, but these were driver’s licenses – for learning how to operate a sewing machine, they received their sewing machine driver’s license. I thought that was pretty cute.
Of course the best part of it all is that these young men and women have learned a valuable skill that can serve them for the rest of their lives. If they choose to or need to, they can earn money to care for their families with these skills. They are better prepared for their futures today, than they were two weeks ago.
I do want to mention how proud I am of the women from World-Wide Lighthouse Missions (WWLM) who invested in these 50 young people. They left the comforts of home to sweat for 14 days in confined areas with very enthusiastic children and sewing machines. They taught 3 classes a day, which meant they had to leave their living quarters at 6:45 each morning. It meant they didn’t get back for dinner each evening until 7:30 or 8. The students may have gotten a little more rambunctious with each passing day, making it a little more challenging to manage the classrooms. But these phenomenal women never lost their cool. They were challenged and they rose to the challenge. What a wonderful experience it was for all of us.
While Jephte was busy coordinating everything for the WWLM team, from transportation to translators, Amy was similarly busy with The Hope Alliance team. They both worked hard coordinating staff and volunteers and ensuring everyone was well cared for. “Chapo ba!” (hat’s off) to Jephte and Amy.
The Hope Alliance (Salt Lake City, UT) joined us this week to hold vision clinics. We visited four locations and served hundreds of people. Many were treated for eye illnesses and hundreds went home with new glasses that enabled them to see like never before. Young and old alike came and left in a better place than when they had arrived. Praise God!
Lex and I will be making our way back to New England this coming week. We will be at the MassHOPE Home Schooling Convention in Worcester. If you’ll be there, please be sure to stop by and say hello. And by all means, PLEASE let me know you read my blog. Just like everyone else, I love to be encouraged.
This is a great time for us to meet up with old friends and make new ones. Please contact us if
you would like to get together and please consider inviting us to meet some of YOUR friends. That would be a great way to help get others involved in something we all believe in. Don’t wait, as our schedule will fill up quickly. On the other hand, don’t assume we’re too busy to see you. You’re part of the reason we’ll be back. We want to be busy meeting up with you!
And a couple of pictures to make your heart happy: