Thozin Campus
The Thozin (pronounced TOH-zen) campus is situated on National Route #2, the one major road on the southern peninsula of Haiti. This campus has many different activities happening most days and evenings.
This is the busiest of all the MOHI campuses. Over 600 students are enrolled in the school and there are as many as 900 people in attendance for church on Sunday mornings. This site is often used for Christian concerts, seminars, conferences, extracurricular and educational courses (English, music, driving school, and more).
Unfortunately, this campus was mostly destroyed by the earthquake in January 2010, but the Lord provided for reconstruction of a new school building and medical clinic.

Pre-quake chapel

Post-quake temporary chapel

Kay Mirliton
Kay Mirliton (KI MIH-lee-tone) is an ocean-front property where MOHI guests live. It is also used for special functions, such as weddings, baptisms and seminars.
The mission compound has three dorm rooms, with beds for 24, 18, and 10 people in each. There are also a few individual rooms that can be made available for married couples or small families. All rooms have bathroom facilities inside.
The “choukoun” (shoo-KOON) is a beautiful, large, round pavilion with a grass roof. It is a wonderful, breezy sitting place where visitors enjoy their morning and evening meals.
Kay Mirliton is a quiet spot, with flowers, birds, mango, almond and coconut trees. Both the sunrise and sunset are visible from the beach here. Sailboats and fishermen are commonly seen on the ocean, where we’ve also witnessed dolphin migration. Everything about Kay Mirliton says “peace.”

St. Etienne
The St. Etienne Campus is located high in the mountains of Leogane, on a major road that leads to the touristic city of Jacmel. This area is very rural, so there are no public utilities available to the residents, most of whom survive by farming and selling in the open markets.
This campus houses a church and school. This area might look quiet, but over 300 people show up for church every Sunday morning. They come from homes scattered across the mountain sides.
This campus has a beautiful nature trail, great for hikes.