A Growing Family
I'm so thrilled to update you on our new baby: Terra Glory-Anna (Terra because she came from under the ground - Glory as we glorify God!)
Haiti Lockdown Begins
Greetings from Haiti! I imagine most of us could very animatedly agree with this statement: The week started out with family time, beach...
Excitement in the Air
It's been a good while since we've spent more than a few weeks in Haiti at a time. Pastor Lex and I are both beside ourselves with...
While traffic is picking up a little in Haiti, the unrest has yet to truly settle, as witnessed in this picture where a road block had...
A Very Difficult Season
Haiti is in a very difficult season. Inflation is out of control. Hunger is prevalent. Political jockeying is ungovernable. Protests...
Good News Today
We started out the week in Haiti with a great nutritional boost for our students. Protein sources tend to be expensive and therefore...
This is Happening
When it rains, it pours - literally. Like southern Florida, when we get a rain storm in Haiti, it's usually like the heavens just open...
Welcoming Summer
National exams for our students have been an ongoing subject of prayer among our churches. The 9th grade students took their exams this...
Rain Rain ...
It's been a very rainy week in Grand-Goave. The gardens are flourishing and our watermelons are already ripe! There is, unfortunately,...
Remembering The Way
I'd like to start out today by expressing my gratitude to all of you who opened up your wallets to help provide food to MOHI that will...