Sweet Connection
Our high school seniors, you may recall, missed two of their national exams due to some rioting at the school where the exams were being...
One Child at a Time
I have a lot to share with you today and am having a little trouble navigating it all in my mind. Where to begin? What to share? What...
Vision and Provision
Sometimes we work to make money. Other times we work because we're passionate about what we're doing.
Combat Terror
The days of the general population doubting the existence of COVID-19 in Haiti seem to have ended this week. The same report has been...
Big Salt Fish and such
Our days seem filled with meetings, hard physical labor, planning, and more planning with more and more people. Why? We are preparing...
There's Always Hope
Pastor Lex reports a great week of clinics... outreaches... exam preparations... and this... (THAT is our attempt at regaining some...
Little Paradise
I spoke with Pastor Lex in Haiti today. He let me know that the situation on the street improved a little this week, with fewer street...
With Might & Heart
I so appreciate the wisdom of Ecclesiastes 9:10, "Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might..." and Colossians 3:23-24...
God's Provision: Spirit, Soul, & Body
I hope you are enjoying a long, Labor Day weekend! In Haiti it's back to school tomorrow (Sept. 2)! We always feel the last minute...
Feed the Hungry
Pastor Lex returned to Massachusetts this week. His time in Haiti was very productive and he had many positive things to share with me. ...